
Fragrance Design & Supply For Turnkey Packaging Companies

A turnkey packaging company (aka TPC) is a boon to fragrance industry newcomers who lack the knowledge and experience needed to avoid the many pitfalls associated with proper scent layering and the development of fragrances that will provide lasting impressions.

The devil is in the details, as they say, and TPC companies handle all the fine print particulars which include: understanding how much alcohol to use, layering notes and knowing how to acquire the correct physical materials that are suitable for a new fragrance . Errors of judgment in these areas can be very costly.

The terms “turnkey” or “full service” refer to a specific reliance on an outside company that brings a concept or product to a market-ready state.

According to Mike Daum, Director of Sales and Marketing at VPI: “It’s similar to “outsourcing” without quite the negative connotation…The service can be expanded to the point that the full-service partner also participates in the branding and marketing of the product, which provides turnkey solutions in skin care, color cosmetics, fragrance and retail The choice to use a turnkey packaging company can result in fresh ideas and innovation.”

A turnkey packaging company provides a wide range of services that will depend upon the specific needs of the customer. 

David Wormser, chief operating officer, of Wormser Corporation states:. “Client interest in turnkey services has increased in recent years…Brands realize that there are economies associated with turnkey partners. They can focus their resources on marketing and the development of their brand while letting the turnkey provider handle all the operational aspects of their business… Turnkey services begin with brand development and marketing, include product formulation and filling services, packaging design and development, and finally, logistics including the possibility to handle all distribution.”

A TPC company prides itself on its ability to consistently manage successful project outcomes, and to meet their clients’ specific needs precisely as requested every time they are called upon. Their services are often varied, as each client’s specifications and requirements will differ according to their product. 

Flexible, experienced turnkey packaging providers can fine tune all of their strategies to accommodate every type of product that comes before them, including fine fragrances that can be supplied by our master perfumers at Alpha Aromatics. There is never any weak link within their supply chain, as the TPC providers tightly control each aspect of fulfillment.

A turnkey private label perfumery will prevent resource depletion because they will allocate funds and resources with the sound judgement that can only come with years of experience. 

Developing a new perfume line is exhaustive and demanding and requires time devoted to product promotion, social media exposure, sampling and establishing personal connections with targeted store owners. 

A private label team will improve brand awareness by developing a memorable signature scent either by its own team or selected professional outsiders, like our master perfumers at Alpha Aromatics. The goal is to make customers remember a brand and bond to it with a unique and lasting impression.

How A Turn-Key Private Label Fragrance Is Born

A scent is developed from scratch by a private label perfumery that incorporates an original idea presented by another company and transforms it into a material, new product (fragrance). After the new formulation is created, the purchaser buys the finished product that is guaranteed to promote both brand awareness and loyalty.

Explore our guide to creating a fragrance brief.

There is also the invisible but indelible touch of expertise that only a private label team can offer to a burgeoning brand. Also, a new trademark or an addition to an existing line of fragrances is a piece of cake to a reputable turnkey packing company, which retains your records and can easily complement a desired signature scent design.

Turn Key Operations Demand Brand Honesty

Fragrance brands must approach turn key operations with complete honesty in regard to their own expertise in the sectors of formulations, packaging, regulations and testing, just to name a few important considerations.

According to Bob Congionti, vice president of operations, Tokiwa Cosmetics America: “The less experience or exposure a company has in these areas, the more important and critical a qualified, experienced turnkey supplier becomes… Experience and longevity is another critical question to ask when reviewing potential suppliers. Brands should also inquire about what role and key elements they will be directly providing in the development and production process [because] the more elements or activities a supplier directly provides, the better. Typically, new start-ups, due to smaller staffs, will require more services, which a qualified, full turnkey supplier is capable of providing.” 

Vincent Groccia, president and CEO of ColorVera Biotech Group Inc. VA states: “it’s important that brands and contract manufacturers have a detailed, upfront plan for formulas and packaging, a realistic timeline, a confirmed budget and clear and regular communication between the parties…” 

What Can Alpha Aromatics Offer Turnkey Packaging Companies?

Most private label teams interface regularly with the fragrance industry, and these private teams remove the persistent headache of production, packing and bottling.

It is in the capacity of fragrance creation and supply that our perfumers can offer both improvement and efficacy to TPC companies via the most intangible of resources; namely, decades of experience as master perfumers. Perfume is all we do, and we do it better than anyone else under the sun.

We are a prominent international manufacturer of fine fragrances providing organic, natural and designer fragrance compositions for fine perfumes, personal care products, candles and diffusers, pet grooming products and odor neutralizers for those that use the services of private label manufacturers, custom packaging companies, toll blenders and more.

Our company mission is aimed at designing, creating and supplying the world’s high quality scents while meeting the guidelines and quality standards set by the International Fragrance Association (IFRA), The Research Institute for Fragrance Materials (RIFM), Oregon Tilth, International Sanitary Supply Association (ISSA) and the Natural Products Association (NPA) and the International Organization of Standardization (ISO).

Our chemists and researchers rely on meticulous research to help us stay on top of industry trends. All of our formulations reflect innovative and cutting edge technologies that are developed in our 85,000 square-foot Technology Center, which is located in suburban Pittsburgh. 

Our laboratories are equipped with the best tools in industrial science that money can buy and they include: gas chromatography, mass spectrometry, head-space analysis, distillation, extraction and quality control technology.

Scent marketing can never be a quick solution. Building a brand requires careful thought and development and the careful fusion of professional promotion and scent creation skills.

Our master perfumers know there is no substitute for experience and that it can take years to develop and perfect the skills required to create the perfect fragrance for any commercial enterprise. 

Both a leader and pioneer within the perfume industry, Roger Howell, Alpha Aromatics’ Vice President of Operations and chief perfumer, had this to say about the company: 

“We drive the scent trends that guide product branding for a wide range of clients in the personal care, household cleaning, and institutional industries. We have created innovative fragrances that remind you of the essence of the changing seasons. We know how important branding is for the continued growth of our clients’ product lines, and we pride ourselves on building scents that build great brands.”

In Conclusion

TPC companies know what they are doing concerning the production of satisfactory fragrances, but they could still do it better by utilizing the services of our teams at Alpha Aromatics. 

If you are the owner or manager of a turnkey packaging company and want to go as far as you can in that consumer-satisfaction equation, consider our perfumers at Alpha Aromatics as a source for your future fragrance supply.

Call us today and see what we can do for your turnkey packaging company.

Final thought on fragrance: Perfume follows you. It chases you and lingers behind you. Perfume makes silence talk ~Sonya Rykiel

Photo Credits: Pixabay

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